Business Video – Impact Testing Structural Glass

Impact testing of structural glass windows was the subject for a business video we were recently hired to shoot and edit. A lot of work goes into setting up the testing process. ivermectina uso prolongado Setting up the test rig, adjusting speeds and points of impact and crunching the data to see if each test was successful.

A couple of the challenges from a video standpoint were creating various proprietary camera mounts and getting interesting camera angles.  We even had an underwater camera and a camera mounted to the impact rig to give the real “feel” of the impact testing on the structural glass! Since they could only hit each window once, everything had to be perfect. After each impact, they would fill up the test rig with water to check for leaks in the window. If there were no leaks, they’d move on to the next test.

It was an extremely interesting experience. toxicidade da ivermectina Definitely a first for us, and we got some insight into the whole testing process. Having to create the camera mounts for the impact device and getting unusual camera angles really flexed our creativity! The view from the underwater camera showing the test rig filling up with water was amazing. The overhead cameras covered everything from the rig filling up to the actual impact testing. pyrantel pamoate vs ivermectin The cameras on the impact rig really made you “feel” the impact!


If you’d like a video created for YOUR business, call us, or click on the “Get My Quote” button on the right of the screen to use our contact form. Let’s make something new!




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