Business Video Created for New Look Marketing

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Another business video in the books, this time for New Look Marketing, a direct mail company in Fort Lauderdale!  The video is around 5 minutes long and we shot it on a green-screen background in order to incorporate powerpoint slides and other graphics to help explain direct-mail marketing concepts and strategies. does ivermectin kill k9 lice nits

Introductory videos, product demos and product troubleshooting videos are more popular than ever for all types of businesses both on and off the web. simpiox ivermectina gotas para que sirve If you’re not cashing in on this marketing tool, your competitors are!  

Let's Make Something!

Got a video project? Need a video for your business or website? What about that big event you’re hosting?

Give us a call or fill out our contact form by clicking on the button. We’ll give your request the utmost attention!

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