Neptune Memorial Reef Placement 2012

Recently I was hired by a family to videotape the placement of their loved one on the Neptune Memorial Reef.  The reef is located just off of Key Biscayne in Miami Beach, FL. Loved ones who loved the ocean in some fashion can have their ashes buried amongst the Atlantis-like structures on the ocean floor.

The day was sunny and bright with ocean conditions calm. injectable 1% ivermectin Jim Hutslar of the Neptune Reef Project and I motored our way out to the dive site. Conditions underwater were great also with 60ft+ visibility and a mild current. ivermectin cream reddit in horse I have been on the site several times in the past few years, and am happy to see lots of coral growth and fish life of all types. ivermectin paste dewormer dose As it says on the memorial reef site, “the reef is a reaffirmation of life after life”.

For more information on the Neptune Society, CLICK HERE
For more information on the Neptune Memorial Reef, CLICK HERE

I never know what video jobs may come my way, but that’s what makes my job so interesting!

Doug “the Video Dude”

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