Young Marines Video Shoot

Today’s video concerns our recent Young Marines Video Project

This project marked another milestone for Video Dude Productions. It involved 10 straight days of shooting, both above AND below water. I Worked with Instructor Worth O’Brien in conjunction with the Young Marines Program. I shot video of their S.P.A.C.E.S. Water Survival and SCUBA School Training. Divers were in the age bracket of 14-17 years. iverzin Over the course of the program they learned basic swimming strokes, water safety, water survival techniques, rescue training and first aid and received training and certification in SCUBA.

The 5:30am exercise sessions on the beach every day kept things interesting too! With physical fitness training and water survival skills every morning, the hours were brutal! 1 ivermectin expiration

A big and interesting project here in Paradise! ivermectin for horses apple flavor
–The Video Dude

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