Sharks in Sint Maarten 2009

by | Oct 3, 2009 | Trip Reports | 0 comments

September 29th finds the Video Dude with sharks in Sint Maarten, Netherland Antilles to dive with Scuba Fun Dive Center. It was a glorious day weather-wise and the seas were running about 2-4ft. Aboard our boat, the “Coral Palm”, Captain Jarvis and Divemasters Kelly, Guillaume, Nichole and Michelle were getting all our gear situated in preparation for our upcoming dives. We are scheduled to do a Wreck/Reef combo called “Proselyte Reef” (where a ship was wrecked in 1801) and another reef called “Shark Attack Reef”

Dive #1

In great spirits for the day, we all arrive at “Proselyte Reef” for our first dive. Depth on this dive was @60ft and the coral canyons were amazing. Coral heads nearly reached the surface from our 60ft depth. There were good spots with Lobsters, Trunkfish, Trumpetfish, Grunts and more. Also on this reef are the remains of a wooden ship called “The Proselyte”.  It sank so many years ago that the only thing left are the anchors and cannons. They are really overgrown with coral! Soon this dive is over, and we have to head back for our safety stop and then the boat.

Dive #2

Back onboard, we get our gear changed over and get ready for dive #2 on “Shark Attack Reef”. We dive into the water with our divemaster Michelle and go straight to the bottom. I immediately notice 2 Caribbean Reef Sharks swimming parallel to us about 100ft off to the side. I signaled Michelle I was heading over to get some video, and swam along side the sharks for a bit. About that time, we found an area that another dive operator had set up for feeding the sharks. can ivermectin be used on dogs We all swam over to that spot and sat down on the bottom waiting for the rest of the sharks to appear.

Sharks in Sint Maarten

Ultimately, they start to come over one at a time, circling us and waiting to see if we had food. One or two sharks got a little braver and swam in between some of the divers and myself. It was really amazing to watch the grace and fluid motion of these animals!  I would have been happy staying with the sharks, but we did have to go check out the rest of the reef. Again beautiful coral heads/canyons and schools of juvenile tropicals of all species. ivermectin tabletten österreich Then it’s off to the boat again and get ready to head back to the dive shop. ivermectin ivermax pour on for cattle dosage

Thanks again to Scuba Fun Dive Center. Antoine and the staff there are first-rate!!

see also “Sint Maarten 2012 – A Favorite Dive Spot”

–The Video Dude

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  1. Sint Maarten 2012 - A Favorite Dive Spot - Video Dude Productions - […] See my other blog post “Sharks of Sint Maarten” […]

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